015 Dark Japanese Ninja and Samurai with Muskets with Susanoo and Amaterasu God with Swappable heads and Weapons by printerra


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Weapon: sword Weapon: polearm Armor: helmet Class: fighter Armor: shield Weapon: gun OtherDescription: collection Weapon: club Weapon: twohander Class: warrior CreatureType: humanoid CreatureType: familiar Class: samurai Location: forest Class: gunslinger Weapon: claw Gender: Male Gender: Female Race: Human CreatureType: Beast Use: Mini Genre: Fantasy CreatureName: Cat Weapon: kanabo Japanese OtherDescription: modular Class: ninja SourceBook: D&D Weapon: Katana OtherDescription: Bundle Location: Desert Location: Plains Set SourceBook: pathfinder OtherDescription: pack CreatureType: animal Location: urban OtherDescription: presupported CreatureType: God SourceBook: Basic Rules SourceBook: Monster Manual (D&D 5e) Weapon: rifle Weapon: pistol CreatureType: Deity Location: grassland SourceBook: Bestiary (PF1e) CreatureType: cat Weapon: ranseur Race: Shifter CreatureName: Amaterasu SourceBook: Shinto CreatureName: Susanoo Weapon: Kusarigama