Pirate - Pirates of Neverland- Captain Hook and Pirate Crew by moonlightminis


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Weapon: sword Weapon: dualwielding Weapon: dagger Class: fighter Class: barbarian Weapon: axe Class: rogue Location: ocean Location: sea Weapon: gun OtherDescription: collection Class: warrior CreatureType: humanoid Clothing: hat OtherDescription: peg leg Class: pirate Class: thief Class: gunslinger Gender: Male Race: Human Race: Gnome Use: Mini Genre: Fantasy SourceBook: D&D Weapon: hook OtherDescription: Bundle Class: assassin Set Class: captain anchor SourceBook: pathfinder OtherDescription: pack Weapon: Rapier OtherDescription: presupported Weapon: pistol Class: swashbuckler Weapon: Cutlass Location: coastal OtherDescription: mustache