Hunters & Killers (DM Stash Oct '21 Bundle) by DM-Stash


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Weapon: sword Weapon: polearm OtherDescription: beard Class: fighter Class: caster Class: wizard Class: monk OtherDescription: book Weapon: trident Class: barbarian Weapon: axe Class: paladin Weapon: staff Location: ocean Location: sea Location: water Armor: armored Weapon: gun OtherDescription: collection Armor: armoured CreatureType: orc Weapon: twohander Location: swamp Location: hills Weapon: greataxe Class: warrior CreatureType: humanoid Class: spellcaster Location: forest Class: gunslinger Gender: Male Gender: Female Race: Elf Race: Dwarf Race: Dragonborn Race: Orc Race: Triton Use: Mini Genre: Fantasy Scale: 32mm Class: alchemist Weapon: glaive SourceBook: D&D Location: arctic OtherDescription: Bundle Location: underdark Location: Underground Class: Eldritch Knight CreatureType: Outsider Location: Plains Location: Mountains Location: Aquatic Set SourceBook: pathfinder Weapon: bomb OtherDescription: pack OtherDescription: presupported SourceBook: Monster Manual (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Volo's Guide to Monsters (D&D 5e) Armor: Plate mail Weapon: rifle Weapon: spell effect Weapon: pistol Weapon: spellbook SourceBook: Magic: The Gathering CreatureType: amphibious Location: darklands Location: grassland Clothing: goggles Race: half-orc Class: summoner SourceBook: Bestiary (PF1e) SourceBook: Bestiary (PF2e) SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF2e) SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF1e) Scale: 75mm SourceBook: Mythic Odysseys of Theros (D&D 5e) Class: magus