Disturbed Balance [Full Bundle] by TPKLAB


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Weapon: sword Weapon: dualwielding Weapon: dagger Clothing: cloak Armor: helmet OtherDescription: beard Class: caster Class: sorcerer Class: ranger Class: rogue Location: water Clothing: hood Armor: armored OtherDescription: collection Armor: armoured CreatureName: dog Location: swamp CreatureType: flying CreatureType: elemental CreatureName: fire elemental CreatureType: humanoid CreatureType: familiar CreatureName: air elemental CreatureName: earth elemental CreatureName: water elemental Clothing: hat Class: spellcaster Location: volcanic CreatureName: tiger Location: forest Class: thief CreatureType: genasi CreatureName: fire genasi CreatureName: sylph Race: air genasi Class: artificer Gender: Male Gender: Female Race: Elf Race: Monster CreatureType: Beast Race: Half-Elf Use: Mini Genre: Fantasy OtherDescription: earth OtherDescription: fire SourceBook: D&D OtherDescription: Bundle Location: underdark Location: Underground CreatureType: Outsider Location: Desert Location: Plains Location: Plane of Water Location: Mountains Location: Aquatic Location: Plane of Fire Location: Plane of Earth Class: assassin Set SourceBook: pathfinder CreatureName: Water genasi OtherDescription: pack CreatureType: animal Race: Oread Weapon: Rapier Location: urban Armor: Breastplate Location: Underwater OtherDescription: presupported SourceBook: Basic Rules SourceBook: Monster Manual (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (D&D 5e) Clothing: Cape Weapon: spell effect CreatureType: amphibious Location: darklands Location: grassland Class: swashbuckler SourceBook: Bestiary (PF1e) SourceBook: Bestiary (PF2e) SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF2e) Location: coastal SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF1e) air Location: Plane of Air CreatureType: cat CreatureType: Planar Scion CreatureName: Fire Elemental Myrmidon CreatureType: Geniekin Race: Ifrit Race: Earth Genasi CreatureName: Undine Class: inventor CreatureName: Air Elemental Myrmidon CreatureName: Earth Elemental Myrmidon CreatureName: Water Elemental Myrmidon Class: kineticist