Brawn & Brains (DM Stash Jan '22 Bundle) by DM-Stash


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Weapon: hammer CreatureName: beholder OtherDescription: beard Class: fighter Class: caster Class: barbarian Weapon: axe Weapon: staff OtherDescription: collection Weapon: spear Class: shaman Weapon: twohander CreatureName: wolf Location: hills Class: warrior OtherDescription: mounted CreatureName: mammoth CreatureType: flying CreatureType: humanoid CreatureType: aberration CreatureName: chuul Class: warlock Class: spellcaster Location: forest Weapon: claw Gender: Male Gender: Female Race: Human Race: Monster CreatureType: Beast Race: Goliath Use: Mini Genre: Fantasy CreatureName: Intellect Devourer CreatureName: illithid CreatureName: mind flayer Scale: 32mm SourceBook: D&D Location: arctic OtherDescription: Bundle Location: underdark Location: Underground Location: Plains Location: Aquatic Set SourceBook: pathfinder OtherDescription: pack CreatureType: animal OtherDescription: presupported SourceBook: Basic Rules SourceBook: Monster Manual (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Volo's Guide to Monsters (D&D 5e) Class: Cavalier Weapon: maul CreatureType: amphibious Location: darklands Location: grassland SourceBook: Bestiary (PF1e) SourceBook: Bestiary (PF2e) SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF2e) Scale: 75mm SourceBook: Tome of Horrors Complete (PF1e)