Bestiary Vol. 4 by nafarrate


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Weapon: sword Weapon: dualwielding Weapon: hammer Weapon: mace OtherDescription: beard Class: fighter Class: monk Weapon: trident Class: barbarian Weapon: axe Armor: shield Class: rogue Location: ocean Location: sea CreatureType: demon CreatureType: dragon Armor: armored OtherDescription: collection Weapon: spear Weapon: club Armor: armoured CreatureType: orc Weapon: twohander CreatureType: undead CreatureName: hobgoblin Location: swamp Location: hills CreatureName: dryad Weapon: greataxe Class: warrior CreatureType: bird CreatureName: goat CreatureName: owl CreatureType: giant CreatureType: fiend CreatureType: flying CreatureType: construct CreatureName: shambling mound CreatureType: elemental CreatureName: sahuagin CreatureType: humanoid CreatureType: monstrosity CreatureType: familiar CreatureName: pseudodragon CreatureType: aberration CreatureName: magmin CreatureName: harpy CreatureType: fey CreatureName: frost giant CreatureType: genie CreatureName: earth elemental CreatureName: drider CreatureName: dragon turtle CreatureName: quasit CreatureName: nalfeshnee CreatureName: glabrezu CreatureName: tiamat CreatureName: hydra CreatureName: chimera CreatureType: drake CreatureName: guard drake CreatureName: frog Location: tomb Location: crypt Location: volcanic Location: forest CreatureType: clockwork Class: thief CreatureType: genasi CreatureType: titan CreatureName: forest dragon CreatureName: grell CreatureName: hook horror Gender: Male Gender: Female Race: Human Race: Monster CreatureType: Beast Race: Orc Race: Tabaxi CreatureType: Yuan-ti Use: Mini Genre: Fantasy OtherDescription: template OtherDescription: earth CreatureType: catfolk CreatureName: Xorn CreatureName: Cat CreatureName: Flame drake Location: jungle Location: Farm Weapon: kanabo OtherDescription: fire OtherDescription: greek SourceBook: D&D CreatureType: Shapechanger Weapon: hook Location: arctic CreatureType: kaiju CreatureName: Crystal dragon OtherDescription: Bundle Location: underdark Location: Underground CreatureType: Outsider Location: Desert Location: Plains Location: Abyss Location: Mountains Location: Aquatic CreatureName: Death Knight CreatureName: Dao Location: Plane of Fire Location: Plane of Earth Class: assassin Set SourceBook: pathfinder CreatureName: scorpion CreatureType: leshy OtherDescription: pack Race: Giff CreatureName: werebear CreatureType: animal Race: Oread Location: Lower Planes Location: urban Armor: Breastplate Location: Underwater CreatureName: Wereshark CreatureType: God CreatureName: scarecrow SourceBook: Basic Rules SourceBook: Monster Manual (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Volo's Guide to Monsters (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (D&D 5e) Clothing: Cape Chinese CreatureType: magical beast Race: vanara electricity CreatureName: Malison (Type 3) CreatureType: monstrous humanoid CreatureType: Deity Weapon: maul CreatureType: half-dragon CreatureType: amphibious CreatureName: wereboar CreatureType: lycanthrope CreatureType: werecreature Location: darklands CreatureType: goblinoid Location: grassland SourceBook: Bestiary (PF1e) CreatureType: Alghollthu SourceBook: Bestiary (PF2e) SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF2e) Location: coastal SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF1e) SourceBook: Bestiary 3 (PF2e) CreatureType: Plant SourceBook: Bestiary 3 (PF1e) CreatureType: mindless air cold CreatureType: Fleshwarp CreatureType: Nymphs CreatureName: Hamadryad CreatureName: Dryad Queen SourceBook: Bestiary 4 (PF1e) CreatureName: Shaitan CreatureType: Imperial Dragon CreatureName: Weretiger CreatureName: Quaggoth CreatureName: Shambler CreatureName: werebat CreatureName: Malison CreatureType: cat CreatureType: vermin Location: Outer Planes CreatureName: Skum Ulat-Kini CreatureType: Gem Dragon CreatureName: Graveknight SourceBook: Monster Manual II (D&D 3e) CreatureType: Planar Scion CreatureName: Sea Devil SourceBook: Inner Sea World Guide (PF1e) SourceBook: Pathfinder #115: Trail of the Hunted (PF1e) CreatureType: Primal Dragon CreatureName: Magma Dragon CreatureName: Sun Wukong OtherDescription: Tian Xia Pantheon CreatureName: Sunflower Leshy SourceBook: Rise of Tiamat (D&D 5e) CreatureType: Geniekin Race: Earth Genasi SourceBook: Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (D&D 5e) Weapon: sai SourceBook: The Mwangi Expanse (PF2e) CreatureName: Charau-ka CreatureName: Clockwork Dragon SourceBook: Pathfinder #66: The Dead Heart of Xin (PF1e) SourceBook: Acquisitions Incorporated (D&D 5e) Race: dinosaurfolk CreatureName: Athena CreatureName: Poseidon CreatureName: Emerald Dragon CreatureName: Sky Dragon CreatureName: Aspect of Tiamat CreatureName: Jackalope CreatureName: Kipine giant scorpion CreatureName: Agni CreatureName: Kali CreatureName: Scylla CreatureName: Hekatonkheires Hindu CreatureName: Xingtian CreatureName: Chernobog slavic Race: saurian