Warriors and Warrens- Complete Set by Broken Anvil Miniatures


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Weapon: sword Weapon: hammer Weapon: dagger Weapon: bow Weapon: halberd Weapon: polearm Weapon: greatsword Class: fighter Class: caster Class: sorcerer Class: monk Class: bard Class: cleric Class: barbarian Weapon: axe Armor: shield Class: ranger Class: rogue Class: druid Weapon: staff Clothing: hood Class: archer OtherDescription: collection Weapon: spear Weapon: club Weapon: twohander Location: swamp Location: hills Weapon: violin Weapon: greataxe Class: warrior OtherDescription: mounted CreatureName: crab CreatureType: giant CreatureType: construct CreatureType: humanoid CreatureType: familiar CreatureName: ogre Purpose: chest Purpose: door CreatureType: hag CreatureType: fey CreatureType: fish Race: Tortle Clothing: hat Class: spellcaster Class: samurai Use: Building Purpose: camp fire Purpose: drum Purpose: pedestal Purpose: hut Purpose: gate OtherDescription: scrap Location: forest Purpose: stump Purpose: fence Purpose: treasure chest Class: thief Class: artificer Gender: Male Gender: Female Race: Monster CreatureType: Beast Use: Mini Use: Scatter Genre: Fantasy Class: necromancer Purpose: Skull vegetables CreatureName: werewolf SourceBook: D&D CreatureType: Shapechanger CreatureName: raccoon Weapon: hook Location: arctic CreatureName: green hag Weapon: Katana OtherDescription: Bundle Purpose: cauldron Location: underdark Location: Underground Location: Desert Location: Plains Location: Mountains Location: Aquatic Class: assassin Set SourceBook: pathfinder OtherDescription: pack CreatureType: animal Weapon: Rapier Location: Underwater OtherDescription: presupported CreatureName: scarecrow SourceBook: Basic Rules SourceBook: Monster Manual (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Volo's Guide to Monsters (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (D&D 5e) Clothing: Cape Class: Cavalier Weapon: spell effect ladle CreatureType: monstrous humanoid Weapon: maul CreatureType: lycanthrope CreatureType: werecreature Location: darklands Location: grassland Class: swashbuckler SourceBook: Bestiary (PF1e) SourceBook: Bestiary (PF2e) SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF2e) Location: coastal SourceBook: Bestiary 2 (PF1e) CreatureType: Plant SourceBook: Bestiary 3 (PF1e) Weapon: quarterstaff totem CreatureName: Annis Hag Race: rabbitfolk cook CreatureType: vermin basket Race: Harengon SourceBook: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (D&D 5e) Class: inventor Class: skald garbage burrow